
How to wear thigh-highs?

Worn right, thigh-highs can boost your style credentials and heighten your allure.


But beware — a fashion faux pas is never far off! One false turn and your vibe will quickly become more swashbuckling than Bootylicious. So, give Puss in Boots the boot and read on to learn how to rock those thigh-highs.The fall/winter signature shoe, thigh-highs are more desirable than ever. Kiss goodbye to all nods to the female pirate, the dominatrix or the three musketeers: thigh-highs are back, and are well and truly upping their sophistication game.



For those taller than 5’5”, we love flat thigh-highs that hug the leg like a second skin. We like to pair them with black leggings and a poncho, or with skinny jeans, a belted chunky-knit cardigan and a faux fur vest. If you’re on the petite side, a wedge-heel style is a better choice, teamed with opaque tights and an A-line dress cinched in at the waist.

Wearing thigh-highs means making a bold fashion choice.

Isabelle Thomas, personal stylist, L’Express Style

High-heeled thigh-highs are reserved for more daring types with a real penchant for Glamour.

They go well with this season’s key pieces: asymmetric skirts, oversized, below-the-knee streetwear sweater dresses, and flouncy skirts. Tight miniskirts and frayed denim skirts with fishnet pantyhose are strictly prohibited. Wearing thigh-highs is all about striking a subtle balance between shape, length and detail. The idea isn’t to break up the silhouette, but rather to extend it and enhance its proportions.



The decision to wear (or not to wear) thigh-highs doesn’t just come down to height - whether you’re a model or not. It is also, and above all, a question of confidence. In choosing to flaunt our legs in a pair of thigh-highs, we’re truly embracing the skin we’re in. Vanessa Wu offers classic thigh-high styles in an understated aesthetic. From flat boots in black faux suede to a heeled option in taupe with eyelet detailing, it’s all about feeling fab in your boots!

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