
How to wear the Vesper collection designs?

With Paris Fashion Week in full swing, Vanessa Wu is launching her capsule collection of leather shoes: the Vesper collection.

A name loaded with mystery, with designs that accompany women as they saunter through life, both day and night.


Because the Vesper collection is a capsule of bold designs for women who love the shadows just as much as the light. These are shoes to slip on at dawn and remove... at dawn! They’re just as much chic office outfits as they are evening wear. With Vesper, you have access to a range of ultra-sharp shoes, with its 5 models embodying the major trends of the season with an original twist.


Vesper lets you shine, day or night. And as day becomes night, you’ll be at your mysterious, Vesperal best.

The Western Girl look has adorned every catwalk and shown street style purists a thing or two, making the cowboy boot THE boot for this fall/winter.

Vanessa Wu offers 2 Vesper cowboy boots, with inspiration by the wagonload. The first is a 100% Texan design with straps for a ‘lonely cowboy’ look with leather jeans or leggings and a checked shirt. The other is a vintage design with flowery cutouts that would go well with a flowing dress and a military jacket for a gypsy style.

For a rebellious look, the leather biker boots in crocodile-effect will give you a surprising rock-chick edge! With their bejeweled straps and studded sole, they are the perfect balance between chic and grunge. Worn with slim-cut jeans and a biker jacket, they’re sure to turn heads. Worn with a leather dress and a fake fur jacket, you’ll be the talk of the town.

If you’re a fan of the ‘masculine-feminine’ style, you'll fall for these leather brogues with bejeweled straps from the Vesper collection. The perfect mix & match? A pleated midi skirt, a big woolen knit and some short glitter socks.

Finally, the sparkly icon in this Vesper collection, the black rhinestone leather boot. In a glitter revival, this ultra-feminine mid-calf boot is a subtle incarnation of the rock style. With its pointed toe and triangular heel, this winter boot looks great with skinny pants and a woolen pea coat for an edgy and distinctive look.



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